Because of being flexible, the popularity of PDF files is getting higher gradually. It’s also a great way to send a lot of files using this format regardless of they need to open it on a PC, smartphone, or tablet. And you just know that they’ll be open on the most devices of this time. It works in a simple way without making your worry about the incorporating formats of files.
But, you have to know how to use PDF editor or the best free PDF merge tool to edit your files. It helps you edit your documents with the proper editing application at your disposal. Also, you’ll find them very simple when you need to make some changes or big alterations to your documents. Here we’re with the instructions to make you able to use some different PDF editing tools.
ApowerPDF PDF Editor

This is one of the great editing apps to edit your PDF files for many reasons. Also, the app is user-friendly and comes with loads of features. Also, it’s totally free of its online version. So, let’s know the process to edit your PDF file. You have to download and install the app and then click on the button “’Launch Online”. It’ll open the free online version of the editor.
Now, you have to import your PDF files and edit them at the way you need with available features. It’ll outline the images and text boxes automatically. You have to click to “edit text” or drag the image to move it your preferred place. Also, there is a toolbar on the right-hand side to avail you some text editing options. Without a tool of the watermark removing, it comes with the most features that have in its premium version.
LibreOffice Draw PDF Editor

It’s an open source application and it has the options of Draw program. That means it’ll offer you some impressive features for free of cost. It’s not just free to use, it also doesn’t come with a watermark. When you open your PDF, you have to click on any place of the page. This way, it’ll select the text box or image automatically that allows you removing or manipulating.
Also, you’ll find features to add new elements like charts, layers or media files along with images, shapes, and text. As there are a lot of options for export, transformation, and drawing, it’s really a great PDF editor. To edit your PDF files, you just need to download and open the app. When you’ll launch the app, you’ll find features that are easy to use.
Sejda PDF Editor

As an online free PDF editor, Sejda could be an ideal pick. It’s not just free to use, it also has loads of features that lets you compress, convert, and split PDF into multiple files. Also, you’ll find there OCR reader that’s a great thing to edit PDF documents.
It’s very simple to use the app, just click on the button of ‘PDF Editor’ when you’re on its website. After that, you just need to ‘Upload PDF file’. When done, there is a toolbar with different options. It’ll enable you to edit the text of the PDF; add images and forms, and many more.